Meet Ups
A non-profit, online community offering weekly mindfulness and compassion-based practices, workshops, and discussions designed to support the mental health and wellness needs of the T1D community using evidence-based practices.
To experience a guided practice with Bri &/or
one of the > 5 additional T1D instructors, please see our calendar of events; join the mailing list using the footer input box on the DS page; or follow us on Instagram. Offerings made available to persons affected by T1D weekly and at no charge. Come as you are, no prior experience needed or expectations therein.
Empathic Exchange
Compassionate communication is a learnable skill and one of the most powerful levers for making change in your life and in the lives of others.
If you or someone you care for lives with any sort of chronic condition, join Bri and members of the DiabetesSangha for grant-sponsored education and practice in use of ‘compassionate communication’ (NVC) for empathic exchange offered at no charge, virtually and on a monthly basis.
Save the date! This one hour practice is held on the last Sunday of the month from 8-9PM EST.
To learn more about the work at hand or the facilitator’s style, please inquire at or explore content @diabetessangha YouTube playlist entitled, Empathic-Exchange: A Series with Bri.
Yoga Nidra
for Collective Healing
A deeply restorative gift from the heart, please help Bri to schedule this monthly offering by communicating your interest and availability – below?
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