Your time is likely in demand and a letter may feel too lofty of a goal. If you’ve got a grievance to air, bone to pick, or (even) a milestone to celebrate with a problem that’s been plaguing you; try externalizing it with a Post-It note instead.
You’re making it harder than it has to be. Harder to think, harder to function, harder to breathe… Step-back already!
Nonbinary, Age 17
Thank you for the lessons in bravery, patience and compassion. If I am wise, it is certainly because of you. Happy World Diabetes Day!
Female, 39 Years-Young
You snuck in while I was preoccupied, but now that I’ve got my eyes on you BEWARE. I am a force to be reckoned with – just ask my ex-husband.
Female, 54 y/o
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