
Your time is likely in demand and a letter may feel too lofty of a goal. If you’ve got a grievance to air, bone to pick, or (even) a milestone to celebrate with a problem that’s been plaguing you; try externalizing it with a Post-It note instead.

Named Diagnosis or Problem
Limited to 500 Characters
Gender Identity, Age

To love you, or love you not? That is the question…

Genderfluid, Age 14

You’re making it harder than it has to be. Harder to think, harder to function, harder to breathe… Step-back already!

Nonbinary, Age 17

Thank you for the lessons in bravery, patience and compassion. If I am wise, it is certainly because of you. Happy World Diabetes Day!

Female, 39 Years-Young

You snuck in while I was preoccupied, but now that I’ve got my eyes on you BEWARE. I am a force to be reckoned with – just ask my ex-husband.

Female, 54 y/o

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