You’re hurting me right now. Please stop. I don’t want to shrivel into a ball of pain and tears all the time, especially not now. I have clients to work with, people who need support. I also need support. I have a new relationship to tend to, to learn about and grow with. I don’t want to be paralyzed by my fears. I know you help me sometimes and give me sensitivity and wisdom that I wouldn’t otherwise have access to. But right now, you are hurting me. I don’t like feeling this intensely worried, sad, and hopeless. I would like a break from these unpleasant feelings. How can we work together to ensure my wellbeing? Thanks for your help. Let’s stay in touch to support all of me as best we can.
Female, 33
C-PTSD; Anxiety; AD/HD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Neurodivergence; Crohn’s; HSP; Grief
2 thoughts on “Dear Parts of Me That I Wish Weren’t There Sometimes”
Thanks for taking the time to express yourself for yourself. I hope it will go a long way in your ability to help others thus helping yourself even more than you were before. Take care to give care.
“I know you help me sometimes and give me sensitivity and wisdom that I wouldn’t otherwise have access to. But right now, you are hurting me. I don’t like feeling this intensely worried, sad, and hopeless. I would like a break from these unpleasant feelings.” Oh how I feel this and appreciate you putting it into words!